Why We Exist
The reason we exist is not because we don't like Alteryx. In fact, despite what we do, we are actually big Alteryx fans! It's an amazing tool that has done a lot to change the way businesses, especially non-technical people within those businesses - can use data to their advantage.
The reason we exist is for those same businesses who have had a great run with Alteryx, but now want to do one of the following:
Save Money
As much as we love it, Alteryx is expensive. Not just in absolute terms, but we have found that a lot of the work done by Alteryx is actually very simple and straightforward. As one customer said to us, they felt they were using a tractor to go down for their morning paper, when a simple car or bicycle would do the job. It's just overkill, and when that overkill is expensive and applies to ~80% of the data work that your organisation does, it's worth looking at.
That's where we come in. Speaking of expensive, there is another way of doing this: consultants! But alas, they can also be expensive. Why not allow us to do 90% of the work immediately and, if you already have consultants on hand, use them for any last mile completion work that needs doing? That could also save you a lot of money...

A lot of the people we talk to give this as their main reason for calling us. Being reliant on one vendor, especially one that has recently been acquired by private equity, and especially when it houses all of your business critical business logic, makes people uncomfortable. Several large banks have come to us, not because they want to get off Alteryx, but just because they want to 'back it up', and build a extra layer of resilience into their data infrastructure.
So that's why exist, to help you de-risk and save money. The majority of migrations fail, largely because of individuals' and vendors' agendas forcing their way into the plan and introducing unnecessary risk. We have tried to remove ourselves from that paradigm by not seeking renewals, not trying to expand our offering beyond what is needed, etc. We charge per workflow, we charge once, we charge fairly and will always guarantee you save money, and once the migration is complete and risk is removed, we happily move on and wish you well.

Schedule a personalized demo today to discover how Pymigrate can transform your data workflows, reduce costs, and provide unmatched flexibility.